After your hair transplant, you will have a bandage on your donor area, which we will remove on the day after the operation. You will see small scabs in the recipient area and small red holes on the donor area that will all heal within 15 days.
You may feel some swelling, itching and mild pain for a couple of days after the hair transplant operation.
These symptoms can be reduced with ice applications, emollient lotions, or the symptomatic medicine which you got after the surgery.
Swelling After Hair Transplant
A few days after the operation, swelling in the face and eyes should subside (if it existed in the first place). If you experience any swelling at this point, then put some ice on the swollen area. No special medication is required. The swelling almost always disappears after 5 days.
Itching is a sign of healing and it is completely normal to feel, beginning a few days after the operation. Do not scratch or pick at the cultivated area. Itching may continue for several days.
Burning Sensation
A burning sensation may occur, especially in the donor area, four days after the operation. In this case, it is recommended that you only apply the moisturizing lotion three or four times a day to your donor site and wait for it to be absorbed.
DAY 1 after Hair Transplant
The day after your surgery, you will be coming to the hospital. We will change your dressings and wash your head.
At this follow-up meeting, we will provide you with a specific shampoo and lotion and describe how to wash your hair for the next 15 days
DAY 3 After Hair Transplant
You will start to wash your hair by yourself in the way we explained it the day after your surgery. Washing will help remove the scabs and expedite the healing process.
DAYS 5-7 After Hair Transplant
Transplanted grafts will become stronger, and they won’t fall by touching. You should still avoid scratching. Within 4-5 days after the operation, hair in the transplanted area will start to fall down and will continue for 2-3 months. After that, the “new” permanent hair will start to grow.
DAYS 15-30 After Hair Transplant
“Shock hair loss” is experienced in this period. It is natural and triggers regrowth of the transplanted follicles. Your appearance will become regular within 2-4 weeks; people wouldn’t understand that you had a hair transplant operation.
MONTHS 1-6 After Hair Transplant
After falling out, hair begins re-growing and should start reappearing by month 3. In the fourth month, hair re-growth rate will increase and within the sixth month, you will see half of the result and recognize some obvious changes.
MONTHS 6-12 After Hair Transplant
Transplanted hair will continue to grow and become thicker.
MONTHS 12-18 After Hair Transplant
In 12-18 Months, you will see the final results of your hair transplant operation.